The first public water system in Braddock was constructed between 1867 and 1895. This system served all of Braddock except the area above Mills Avenue which was served by the Pennsylvania Water Company since that area was not a part of the borough at that time. In 1893 this area was annexed into the borough.
After the annexation, the borough installed larger waterlines in the new streets for fire protection. Homes built before the annexation remains connected to the Penna. Water System which became the Wilkinsburg-Penn Joint Water Authority in 1944. Homes built after 1893 were connected to the Braddock Borough system.
Prior to 1974 the borough supplied its water from a purification plant along the river at the foot of Eighth Street. In 1972 the borough water department was faced with several problems including poor water quality coming from the Eighth St. plant, an open reservoir subject to airborne pollution, and poor pressure in the former "Fourth Ward" area. That same year borough council formed the Braddock Water Authority to finance a connection to the Wilkinsburg-Penn Joint system for the supply of water, and a rubber cover for the reservoir. Also in 1974 the Authority began replacing water!ine:i; crn a small scale as funds permitted culmination in 1990 with a $4.7 Million project to complete the replacement of all waterlines and build a new storage tank.
Providing reliable and safe drinking water to all parts of Braddock.
Certified Water Operator
Braddock Water Authority Clerk
Braddock Water Authority Clerk
Braddock Water Authority Clerk
Braddock Water Authority Clerk
Assistant Water Operator
Braddock Water Authority Consultant